Your Dog's Gut Health is Important
Your dog's gut health plays an absolutely pivotal role in their overall wellbeing, impacting everything from their immune system and brain function, to their heart health and dental wellness. If it's out of sync, it can wreak havoc on their entire body.
Identifying digestive issues in your dog can be a complex task, often with no obvious signs of trouble. That's why I have created an engaging guide to help you recognise symptoms of poor gut health and provide natural solutions to enhance your dog's digestive health.
Decoding Your Dog's Gut Health
Watch out for symptoms like:
Excessive gas and stomach rumbling
Decreased energy levels
Joint discomfort
Bad breath
Weight fluctuations
Excessive licking
Disturbed sleep
Dull coat
Eye and ear irritations
Behavioural issues
Yeast overgrowth
Food sensitivities

Elevate Your Dog's Gut Health in 9 Effective Steps
Revitalising your dog's gut health is simpler than you think, requiring little effort or lifestyle disruption.
Feed your dog a species-appropriate diet, free of harmful chemicals. All-natural foods are key to maintaining a perfectly balanced gut flora.
1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Proper hydration is a surefire way to boost your dog's gut health. Fluids keep the digestion process running smoothly.
2. Wholesome Foods for the Win
Quality, whole-food ingredients are the secret to a healthy gut. Just like processed foods are bad for humans, they're equally harmful for your dog.
3. Embrace Fiber, Limit Simple Carbs
Fiber is essential in keeping your dog's digestive system functioning smoothly. Too much can cause discomfort, so finding the right balance is key.
4. Prebiotics and Probiotics: Your Dog's Gut Heroes
Prebiotics and probiotics are powerful tools for maintaining gut health.
Prebiotics provide nourishment for probiotics and beneficial bacteria in the gut, helping these populations grow and crowd out harmful bacteria.
Probiotics, on the other hand, are supplements containing the same beneficial bacteria found naturally in a healthy gut. Adding probiotics to a dog's diet helps replenish these bacteria when they've been diminished, restoring the proper balance of microbes for optimal digestive health and comfort. Check out our supplement range for quality options.
5. Scrutinise Dog Food Ingredients
Even if you can't prepare your dog's meals from scratch, you can still ensure they're not eating unhealthy processed food. Pay close attention to the ingredients list on dog food packages and eliminate any non-functional foods
6. Be Vigilant for Food Allergies or Intolerances
If your dog has a food allergy or intolerance, it can cause inflammation and other issues. Seek advice from Kat, your certified canine nutritionist, if you suspect this could be a factor.
7. Experiment with Fermented Foods and Beneficial Supplements
Fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir and sauerkraut boost good stomach bacteria and can improve your dog's immune system. Herbs like turmeric, ginger, slippery elm, and pumpkin can also promote gut health. A probiotic supplement like Micromed is a wonderful daily addition to your dog’s food bowl and will help to maintain a healthy microbiome.
8. Limit Vaccines and Antibiotics
Over-vaccination and excessive use of antibiotics can disrupt your dog's gut health. While it is important to consider the impact of vaccines and antibiotics on gut health, limiting them without proper guidance from a veterinarian is not advisable. Vaccines are crucial for protecting dogs from serious diseases, and antibiotics are necessary for treating bacterial infections. However, it is important to use them judiciously and only when necessary to avoid unnecessary disruption to the gut flora.
9. Keep Stress at Bay
As with humans, stress can disrupt your dog's gut health. Regular walks, playtime, and a safe space can help your dog manage stress.
Remember, a healthy gut equals a happy dog!