The 7 Hidden Dangers Of Kibble
To live long and strong, every creature needs to snack on what Mother Nature intended. We call it species-appropriate nutrition. While some species can't survive on the wrong diet, others - like dogs and us - can eat a wide variety, but at a cost to their wellbeing. Let's dive into why kibble is a no-go and what you should be dishing up instead.

The Problem With Kibble
Think of kibble as fast food for your dog. Here's why it's a bad deal:
1. Questionable Ingredients - Scarily, pet food can include meat from diseased animals or ones not killed for food - and they don't have to tell you. This meat is sanitised through rendering, a process that turns inedible animal parts into pet food. The result? Highly processed ingredients that lead to health issues.
2. Over Processed - Kibble loses many nutrients during its high-heat production, which is why artificial flavors and nutrients are added back in towards the end of the process. Plus, this process can create harmful carcinogens.
3. Carbohydrate Overload - Kibble is packed with grains and other high-starch carbs like genetically engineered corn, wheat, rice or potatoes. This can cause stressful insulin, glucagon and cortisol spikes and contributes to the obesity epidemic.
4. Constant Dehydration - With low moisture, kibble can leave your dog perpetually thirsty and this dehydration can lead to:
Lack of appetite
Low energy
Dry eyes, nose and gums
Loss of skin elasticity
5. Bacteria Risks - Dry pet food can harbor bacteria, mycotoxins, and storage mites. Pets can develop an allergy to these mites, leading to itchy skin, hair loss and ear infections.
6. Rancid Fats - Once you open that bag of kibble, the fats inside start to spoil. Long-term consumption of these rancid fats can cause a whole host of health problems, including vitamin deficiencies, malnutrition, hair loss, diarrhea, kidney and liver disease, reproductive issues, even cancer and death.
7. Artificial Colors And Chemicals - Many food dyes have been banned for their negative effects. Some of the still approved ones could be causing serious health issues, including cancer and hypersensitivity reactions.
The bottom line? Kibble's main perks are convenience and cost. But when it comes to your pet's health, you get what you pay for.

A Better Menu For Dogs
Dogs thrive on fresh, whole foods made from human-grade ingredients, ideally grass-fed, free-range, and organic. Their diet should be balanced with healthy fats, high moisture content (around 70%), protein, carbohydrates, and other nutrients. And the best way to serve this? Raw food.
Raw diets for dogs include fresh, uncooked, minimally processed meats and greens - exactly what wild canines munch on. Raw food is easily digested, and retains the natural enzymes and vitamins that cooking destroys. And it’s the diet that lets dogs truly thrive, with wagging tails and bright eyes.
Fun fact: We're the only species that cook our food. And while our pups are part of the family, they shouldn't eat like us!
If you must serve dry food, opt for an organic brand that doesn't use "4-D" meat (from dying, diseased, disabled, and dead livestock). Instead, look for “human-grade” meats.
Raw Diet Rewards
Swap to a whole food, minimally-processed diet, and your dog can look forward to:
A leaner, muscular build
Improved skin & coat
Cleaner teeth & fresher breath
Less odor
Energetic, calm demeanor
For The Love Of Your Pet
The key is to choose a diet that keeps your pet fit and happy, while fitting your budget. Even adding just a little raw food to your pet's diet can boost their health.
Keen to get started, but a little unsure of what to do?
That's why I've developed a Fresh Food Mentorship Program - to guide you through the process. Check it out today!